5 DIY Projects for Active Summer Fun

Last week, we shared a Team Lund Tip with some suggestions for fun things to do in the Fair Oaks/ Sacramento area and beyond. Here are a few stay-at-home ideas you can with your kids and/or grandkids. Get creative, but most of all...have fun!!

With school out for the summer, it can be tempting to sit back, relax, and just enjoy a little downtime. However, when fall swings around, you’ll need a few good summer stories to share. These five fun DIY projects will get your family moving and might be just what you need to create some precious memories to share.

1. Build an obstacle course. 
Obstacle courses can be constructed from a variety of items you have scattered around the house and are easily scalable for any age group. Create crawling tubes from cardboard boxes or old tires, balance beams from 2x4s, or stepping stones out of sawn-off tree trunks. The only limit is your own imagination. Just remember to be safe!

2. Create your own version of active games.
If an obstacle course isn’t the right activity for you and your family, try building your own version of other popular games. Indoor skeeball with laundry baskets and a box, water balloon batting practice, and paper airplane target practice are just a few ideas for activities that can get your family moving!

3. Start a garden.
There are many different ways to start a garden - till some soil, build a raised bed, build or buy some planters - and many options to make it your own. Do you want ornamental plants or would you prefer more edible options? When you actually plant will also affect what plants will do the best for your family. Take a trip up to the local garden center and talk to someone. They should be able to point you in the right direction for your garden.

4. Make a family menu.
 It’s easier to eat healthy when you plan ahead! Make a family menu board to pre-plan your meals each week and set up a cooking rotation that gives everyone a chance to pitch in with meal creation! To get the most from your menu board, make it easy to use over and over again. A chalkboard, white board, or even a picture frame with a class panel would work well. You’ll also want to display your menu board in an easily accessible location, like the kitchen.

5. Make outdoor activities more accessible.
It’s easy to let your bikes, basketballs, roller skates, and other outdoor items drift to the back of the garage over the cold winter months. Take time this summer to dig them all out and organize them for easy access. Consider designating a shelf or mounting a peg board specifically for your outdoor activities so you and the kids don’t have to dig for what you need.
