Statistics for September's real estate activity

For Sacramento County:

(Information for another county, specific city/neighborhood/type of home available upon request.)
Homes placed under contract were up 3.9% over the previous month and 17.3% over this same time last year
 in Sacramento County
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However,​ inventory has not kept up with the significant buyer demand.  As we approach the end of the year, Buyers 
are very
 active in the market, giving sellers good reason to put their homes on the market for a fourth quarter sale.  ​​The median price is $319,000, with the average sales price at $347,000.  Affordability remains a key factor in our market, coupled with low interest rates.  On average, homes are taking 30 days to open escrow and another 30-45 to successfully close.  As we enter the fourth quarter, there's still time to be in for the holidays! 

Are you curious to know what your home is currently worth?  I'm happy to provide you with a property review. 
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If you or someone you know is thinking about a move, 
​it would be​
 a privilege to be of assistance.  Call, email or text me to discuss your real estate plans!    

Are you curious to know what your home is currently worth?  I'm happy to provide you with a property review.  If you or someone you know is thinking about a move, it would be​ a privilege to be of assistance.  Call, email or text me and my team to discuss your real estate plans!
