Reasons Why People Have Short Sales

There are many scenarios possible in a typical short sale hardship. Some of the usual issues we have encountered are:

- "I lost my job and now am unemployed"
- "My employer reduced my pay. Overtime eliminated, regular hours or base pay reduced"
- "I am underemployed. I lost my job, but my new job pays less than my old job"
- "A borrower or primary wage earner in the household died."
- "I am self-employed and have endured a decline in business earnings"
- "My spouse, domestic partner, or co-borrower has been incarcerated in jail."
- "I have suffered a permanent or short-term disability"
- "A serious illness has impacted a household member"
- "I am now divorced"
- "I am now separated"
- "My employer has suffered a natural or man-made disaster impacting my income (such as, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, etc)"
- "I or a family member has suffered a disability or illness that results in an increase in uninsured major medical expenses"
- "My house has been damaged by a natural or man-made disaster"
- "I had to incur a significant expense to maintain the habitability or safety of my house or otherwise prevent a significant deterioration in its value if the house was not repaired"
- "I am overextended on all my credit because I have been using credit cards, home equity loans, or other credit to pay my monthly Mortgage payments, medical obligations, food expenses or utility bills."
- "I am not working or receiving any income."
- Other unique situation
