Continuing on with the next part of the business plan to the meat of the whole thing -the marketing plan portion. I will cut and paste examples of my actual plan because I think it will be easier for you to write your own if you can use one for reference.
Listed below are the components that are important to include in your marketing plan:
1. Overview of your marketing plan
2. Marketing campaigns - write out exactly what you do for each campaign
3. Calendar each of your marketing plans by month
4. Calendar your daily activity
Here are examples of what my plan looks like:
Overview of Marketing Plan
1. Future Business (Prospecting)
A. A & B client campaign
B. Raving fans
C. Referral program
D. Client appreciation barbecue
E. Expired/withdrawn 8x8 campaign
F. Buyer prospect Agent Achieve campaign
G. Websites
H. Open Houses
I. Signs/directionals
J. Just listed/Just Solds
K. Developing business relationships*
L. Pick-of-the Week*
M. Blog*
2. Current Business(Sellers and Buyer)
A. 8x8 for pre-sold listings
B. Agent Achieve sellers in escrow
C. Agent Achieve buyers in escrow
Marketing Campaigns
A Clients are described as people that anyone from Becky Lund and Associates knows on a first-name basis. They would be someone we would feel comfortable taking to coffee.
B Clients are people that we have had some contact with but have not established a personal relationship with.
1. E-Mail Campaigns
A. On the 19th of each month e-mail area Trendgraphics stats
B. Seasonal notices
1. Valentines message sent out the 1st of February
2. State Fair info sent out the 1st of August
C. Save-the-Date for Client Appreciation Barbecue (For A clients only)
D. Agent Achieve – Buyers in escrow
E. Agent Achieve - Sellers in escrow
2. Mail Campaign to A and B Clients
A. January 15, 2008 send HUD-1’s to last-year’s buyers or sellers
A. March 1st – send out A’s/Giants with letter telling about where the boys and I are going on our baseball trip this year
C. September 30 – Baseball letter from the heart
D. December 1 – Personally addressed Christmas card
3. Client Appreciation Barbecue
A. A barbecue luncheon and party for A clients and Raving fans sometime in September
4. Raving Fans Campaign
A. They are to receive everything A & B clients get
B. Two phone calls a year asking for referral
C. First and third Thursday of each month is dedicated to Raving Fans (Phone calls, personal notes, updating activity, changing status etc.)
D. Two personal notes per year
E. Pop-bys at Christmas
F. One lunch, dinner or coffee per year
G. Send $5.00 Starbucks as soon as referral is received
5. Business referral campaign
A. Send $5.00 Starbucks as soon as referral is received
6. Agent Achieve Prospective Buyer E-mail Campaign
A. Day 1 – Tell them they are going to be set up on Sherlock Willie
B. Day 3 - Password and basic explanation for SW
C. Day 5 – Confirm SW is working
D. Day 8 - Explain how to find open houses on my website
E. Day 14- Explain difference between standard sale and foreclosure
F. Day 21- Check-in
G. Day 30- Lender info
H. Day 40- Are they still using SW
I. Day 60- Don’t get discouraged – there will be a house for them
J. Day 90- Still looking?
K. Day120-It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you
7. Expired/Withdrawn Campaign –
(Weeks are described as every 10 days)
A. Week 1- Introduction letter
B. Week 2 – Article explaining the unique qualities of Fair Oaks
C. Week 3 – Minor changes, major impact mailer
D. Week 4- Staging article or DVD
E. Week 5 – Resale statistics
F. Week 6 – What do all these homes have in common?
G. Week 7 – Testimonials
H. Week 8 – How I market your home
8. Just Listed/ Just Sold Campaign
Upon a home being listed, the office OA will automatically send out Just Listed cards to 100 homes surrounding the listed house
Upon the closing of the listed home, the office OA will automatically send out Just Sold cards to the 100 homes surrounding then listed house
9. Pre-sold listing Campaign
A. Week 1- E-mail seller all on-line marketing links
B. Week 2 - Lowes marketing material
C. Week 3 - Starbucks gift card
D. Week 4 - Mail or e-mail CMA
E. Week 5 - Consider price reduction
F. Week 6 - Monthly stats by mail
G. Week 7 - Handwritten note
I. Week 8 – Lowes tips to sell your home
J. Week 9 – Weekly stats by mail
K. Week 10 –
L. Week 11 – e-mail or mail CMA
M. Week 12 – Personal meeting with homeowner – consider price reduction
10. Open Houses
A. Buyers packet
B. Foreclosure packet
C. List of comps in the area
D. Team Brochure
11. Websites
A. Drive traffic to website in all marketing
1. Flyers
2. Bee advertising
3. Internet marketing
B. Valuable, pertinent information to be added to website
12. Agent Achieve E-mail - Buyers in escrow
A. Day 1 – Escrow is open/prelim
B. Day 5 – Homeowner’s insurance
C. Day 10- How to hold title
D. Day 15- Utilities and signing info
E. Day 7 AFTER CLOSE – Check-in
F. Day 30AFTER CLOSE – Supplemental taxes
G. Day 60AFTER CLOSE – Suggest video taping for insurance purposes
H. Day 365AFTER CLOSE – Say hello and suggest renewing home warranty
13. Agent Achieve - Sellers in escrow
A. Day 1 – Explain buyers inspections
B. Day 3 – Prelim and statement of identity from title company
C. Day 21- Signing, utilities
D. Day 60 AFTER CLOSE – Reconveyance
E. Day 120 AFTER CLOSE- Say hello
F. Day 365 AFTER CLOSE – Check-in
14. Pick-of-the-Week
A. Once a week send out a listing to A&B clients
15. Blog
A. Link blog to website a write on subjects pertaining to real estate and other interesting topics
Marketing by month
1. January 15, 2009 – Mail out HUD-1’s to last-year’s clients
2. January 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics price per sq. ft to A & B clients
3. Lunch with a raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan(s)
5. Pick-of –the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing Agent Achieve buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. February 1, 2009 – e-mail Valentines piece to A & B clients
2. February 19, 2008 – e-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Vendor list to A clients with personal note
6. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
7. Ongoing AA buyer’s campaign
8. Blog
1. March 1, 2009 – mail Giants/A’s schedule with note about our upcoming baseball trip to A & B clients
2. March 1-17th pop-byes to A clients – Luck-of-the-Irish lottery tickets
3. March 19, 2009 – e-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
4. Lunch with raving fan
5. Personal note to raving fan
6. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
7. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
8. Blog
1. April 19, 2008 - E-mail Trendgraphics stats to A & B clients
2. Lunch with raving fan
3. Personal note to raving fan(s)
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing Agent Achieve buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
1. May 19, 2009 - E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. May 31, 2009 Pop byes ice cream gift certificates to A clients
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. June 15, 2009 – mail out fireworks display post card to A & B clients
2. June 19, 2008 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. July 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. Lunch with raving fan
3. Personal note to raving fan
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
1. August 15, 2009 - E-mail state fair information to A & B clients
2. August 19, 2009 - E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. E-mail Save-the-Date for September client appreciation barbecue
4. Lunch with raving fans
5. Personal note to raving fan
6. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
7. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
8. Blog
1. September 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. September 15, 2009 – Client appreciation barbecue
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. October 19, 2009 –E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. October 1, 2009 baseball “letter from the heart”
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. November 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. Lunch with raving fan
3. Personal note to raving fan
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
1. December 1, 2009 – send out personally addressed Christmas card to A & B client
2. December 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. Pop by Poinsettias for all A clients
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
Daily activity
Escrow meeting with Tiffany and Michelle
Send out queues
Pass out 10 business cards
Write in blog
Weekly Empowerment meeting
Pick-of-the Week
Five personal notes to database
Send out queues
Pass out 10 business cards
Preview 2 properties
Write in blog
Office meeting
Send out queues
Preview 3 properties
Pass out 10 business cards
Write in blog
Client lunch
Send out queues
Phone three clients from database
Pass out 10 business cards
Chamber meeting (once a month)
Write in blog
Business-to-business meeting
Send out queues
Phone call two clients
Pass out 10 business cards
Write in blog
Open house (every other Saturday)
Make phone calls if weekly goals were not accomplished
Send out note cards if weekly goal weren’t accomplished
Community event
Listed below are the components that are important to include in your marketing plan:
1. Overview of your marketing plan
2. Marketing campaigns - write out exactly what you do for each campaign
3. Calendar each of your marketing plans by month
4. Calendar your daily activity
Here are examples of what my plan looks like:
Overview of Marketing Plan
1. Future Business (Prospecting)
A. A & B client campaign
B. Raving fans
C. Referral program
D. Client appreciation barbecue
E. Expired/withdrawn 8x8 campaign
F. Buyer prospect Agent Achieve campaign
G. Websites
H. Open Houses
I. Signs/directionals
J. Just listed/Just Solds
K. Developing business relationships*
L. Pick-of-the Week*
M. Blog*
2. Current Business(Sellers and Buyer)
A. 8x8 for pre-sold listings
B. Agent Achieve sellers in escrow
C. Agent Achieve buyers in escrow
Marketing Campaigns
A Clients are described as people that anyone from Becky Lund and Associates knows on a first-name basis. They would be someone we would feel comfortable taking to coffee.
B Clients are people that we have had some contact with but have not established a personal relationship with.
1. E-Mail Campaigns
A. On the 19th of each month e-mail area Trendgraphics stats
B. Seasonal notices
1. Valentines message sent out the 1st of February
2. State Fair info sent out the 1st of August
C. Save-the-Date for Client Appreciation Barbecue (For A clients only)
D. Agent Achieve – Buyers in escrow
E. Agent Achieve - Sellers in escrow
2. Mail Campaign to A and B Clients
A. January 15, 2008 send HUD-1’s to last-year’s buyers or sellers
A. March 1st – send out A’s/Giants with letter telling about where the boys and I are going on our baseball trip this year
C. September 30 – Baseball letter from the heart
D. December 1 – Personally addressed Christmas card
3. Client Appreciation Barbecue
A. A barbecue luncheon and party for A clients and Raving fans sometime in September
4. Raving Fans Campaign
A. They are to receive everything A & B clients get
B. Two phone calls a year asking for referral
C. First and third Thursday of each month is dedicated to Raving Fans (Phone calls, personal notes, updating activity, changing status etc.)
D. Two personal notes per year
E. Pop-bys at Christmas
F. One lunch, dinner or coffee per year
G. Send $5.00 Starbucks as soon as referral is received
5. Business referral campaign
A. Send $5.00 Starbucks as soon as referral is received
6. Agent Achieve Prospective Buyer E-mail Campaign
A. Day 1 – Tell them they are going to be set up on Sherlock Willie
B. Day 3 - Password and basic explanation for SW
C. Day 5 – Confirm SW is working
D. Day 8 - Explain how to find open houses on my website
E. Day 14- Explain difference between standard sale and foreclosure
F. Day 21- Check-in
G. Day 30- Lender info
H. Day 40- Are they still using SW
I. Day 60- Don’t get discouraged – there will be a house for them
J. Day 90- Still looking?
K. Day120-It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you
7. Expired/Withdrawn Campaign –
(Weeks are described as every 10 days)
A. Week 1- Introduction letter
B. Week 2 – Article explaining the unique qualities of Fair Oaks
C. Week 3 – Minor changes, major impact mailer
D. Week 4- Staging article or DVD
E. Week 5 – Resale statistics
F. Week 6 – What do all these homes have in common?
G. Week 7 – Testimonials
H. Week 8 – How I market your home
8. Just Listed/ Just Sold Campaign
Upon a home being listed, the office OA will automatically send out Just Listed cards to 100 homes surrounding the listed house
Upon the closing of the listed home, the office OA will automatically send out Just Sold cards to the 100 homes surrounding then listed house
9. Pre-sold listing Campaign
A. Week 1- E-mail seller all on-line marketing links
B. Week 2 - Lowes marketing material
C. Week 3 - Starbucks gift card
D. Week 4 - Mail or e-mail CMA
E. Week 5 - Consider price reduction
F. Week 6 - Monthly stats by mail
G. Week 7 - Handwritten note
I. Week 8 – Lowes tips to sell your home
J. Week 9 – Weekly stats by mail
K. Week 10 –
L. Week 11 – e-mail or mail CMA
M. Week 12 – Personal meeting with homeowner – consider price reduction
10. Open Houses
A. Buyers packet
B. Foreclosure packet
C. List of comps in the area
D. Team Brochure
11. Websites
A. Drive traffic to website in all marketing
1. Flyers
2. Bee advertising
3. Internet marketing
B. Valuable, pertinent information to be added to website
12. Agent Achieve E-mail - Buyers in escrow
A. Day 1 – Escrow is open/prelim
B. Day 5 – Homeowner’s insurance
C. Day 10- How to hold title
D. Day 15- Utilities and signing info
E. Day 7 AFTER CLOSE – Check-in
F. Day 30AFTER CLOSE – Supplemental taxes
G. Day 60AFTER CLOSE – Suggest video taping for insurance purposes
H. Day 365AFTER CLOSE – Say hello and suggest renewing home warranty
13. Agent Achieve - Sellers in escrow
A. Day 1 – Explain buyers inspections
B. Day 3 – Prelim and statement of identity from title company
C. Day 21- Signing, utilities
D. Day 60 AFTER CLOSE – Reconveyance
E. Day 120 AFTER CLOSE- Say hello
F. Day 365 AFTER CLOSE – Check-in
14. Pick-of-the-Week
A. Once a week send out a listing to A&B clients
15. Blog
A. Link blog to website a write on subjects pertaining to real estate and other interesting topics
Marketing by month
1. January 15, 2009 – Mail out HUD-1’s to last-year’s clients
2. January 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics price per sq. ft to A & B clients
3. Lunch with a raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan(s)
5. Pick-of –the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing Agent Achieve buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. February 1, 2009 – e-mail Valentines piece to A & B clients
2. February 19, 2008 – e-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Vendor list to A clients with personal note
6. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
7. Ongoing AA buyer’s campaign
8. Blog
1. March 1, 2009 – mail Giants/A’s schedule with note about our upcoming baseball trip to A & B clients
2. March 1-17th pop-byes to A clients – Luck-of-the-Irish lottery tickets
3. March 19, 2009 – e-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
4. Lunch with raving fan
5. Personal note to raving fan
6. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
7. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
8. Blog
1. April 19, 2008 - E-mail Trendgraphics stats to A & B clients
2. Lunch with raving fan
3. Personal note to raving fan(s)
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing Agent Achieve buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
1. May 19, 2009 - E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. May 31, 2009 Pop byes ice cream gift certificates to A clients
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. June 15, 2009 – mail out fireworks display post card to A & B clients
2. June 19, 2008 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. July 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. Lunch with raving fan
3. Personal note to raving fan
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
1. August 15, 2009 - E-mail state fair information to A & B clients
2. August 19, 2009 - E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. E-mail Save-the-Date for September client appreciation barbecue
4. Lunch with raving fans
5. Personal note to raving fan
6. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
7. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
8. Blog
1. September 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. September 15, 2009 – Client appreciation barbecue
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. October 19, 2009 –E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. October 1, 2009 baseball “letter from the heart”
3. Lunch with raving fan
4. Personal note to raving fan
5. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
6. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
7. Blog
1. November 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
2. Lunch with raving fan
3. Personal note to raving fan
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
1. December 1, 2009 – send out personally addressed Christmas card to A & B client
2. December 19, 2009 – E-mail Trendgraphics to A & B clients
3. Pop by Poinsettias for all A clients
4. Pick-of-the-Week every Thursday of the month
5. Ongoing AA buyers’ campaign
6. Blog
Daily activity
Escrow meeting with Tiffany and Michelle
Send out queues
Pass out 10 business cards
Write in blog
Weekly Empowerment meeting
Pick-of-the Week
Five personal notes to database
Send out queues
Pass out 10 business cards
Preview 2 properties
Write in blog
Office meeting
Send out queues
Preview 3 properties
Pass out 10 business cards
Write in blog
Client lunch
Send out queues
Phone three clients from database
Pass out 10 business cards
Chamber meeting (once a month)
Write in blog
Business-to-business meeting
Send out queues
Phone call two clients
Pass out 10 business cards
Write in blog
Open house (every other Saturday)
Make phone calls if weekly goals were not accomplished
Send out note cards if weekly goal weren’t accomplished
Community event
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