Buyers are out there!

I held an open house on Saturday at one of my listings in Fair Oaks. It was a cold, overcast day and there was a Christmas event and parade in the Fair Oaks Village, so I was wondering how many prospective buyers would stop by. This coupled with the total negativity of the economy and the fact that people have Christmas on their minds, I thought I might have no one show up.

I was pleasantly surprised with the steady flow of prospective buyers that attended especially with all of the seemingly strikes against it. Buyers saw the open house advertised on the various Internet sites and made a special trip to come to see the home. Other people saw the open house direction signs and came. Everyone who attended were looking to buy a home in the near future.

Some of these buyers are currently renting and want to buy a home now since prices have fallen to a level of such great affordability - plus interest rates are phenomenal. Other buyers are going to keep their current home, rent it out and buy another one because, again, it is such a great time to buy.

The media is so full of such negativity that at times it feels like the whole economy has shut down and everyone is holding up until further notice. Based on what I experienced at my open house, that is not what is happening at all.
